Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub

Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub | Easy Steps to Start Playing on GitHub?

Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub was launched by Orteil in 2013 and quickly became one of the most popular incremental games. The concept is simple: click on a giant cookie to collect cookies, which you can then spend on upgrades and buildings that automatically produce more cookies.

Although the original game is available online, many players seek unblocked versions to enjoy at school or work. GitHub has become a popular platform for finding these unblocked versions and mods. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best Cookie Clicker unblocked repositories on GitHub and share tips to help you maximize your gameplay.

Top Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub Repositories on GitHub

1. Cookie Clicker Unblocked by Cookie Clicker Game

This is a straightforward unblocked version of Cookie Clicker that you can play directly on GitHub Pages. It features the core gameplay of clicking cookies and purchasing upgrades without any additional modifications.

2. Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub by Cyrill Brito

Another simple unblocked version of Cookie Clicker, hosted on GitHub Pages. This version offers the basic gameplay experience without extra features or mods.

3. Cookie Monster by CookieMonsterTeam

Cookie Monster is a popular mod that enhances Cookie Clicker by providing a range of tools and statistics. It calculates the payback period for buildings and upgrades, color-codes them based on their value, and offers other useful features. While not strictly an unblocked version, Cookie Monster can be integrated into the game to improve the overall experience.

4. Cookie Clicker GitHub Unblocked TI-84 Plus CE Port

For a unique twist, this repository offers a port of Cookie Clicker to the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. It’s a fun option for players looking to enjoy the game on a different platform.

5. Cookie Clicker Unblocked GitHub Pages Automation Scripts

This repository includes a collection of scripts that automate various aspects of Cookie Clicker Unblocked Games, such as clicking the cookie and purchasing upgrades. While some players might consider using these scripts as cheating, they can be helpful for those who want to progress faster or let the game run in the background.

Tips for Playing Cookie Clicker GitHub Unblocked

1. Focus on Early Game Upgrades

At the beginning of the game, prioritize upgrades that boost your base cookie production, such as Cursor Upgrades and Grandma Upgrades. These will give you the most significant increase in cookie generation early on.

2. Time Your Clicks for Golden Cookies

Golden Cookies appear randomly on the screen and provide various bonuses when clicked. Try to time your clicks to coincide with the appearance of Golden Cookies to maximize your benefits.

3. Manage Your Prestige

When you reset your game through the Ascension mechanic, you’ll earn prestige levels that offer permanent boosts to your cookie production. Decide when to ascend based on your current progress and the potential benefits of prestige.

4. Utilize Mods and Scripts Wisely

Mods like Cookie Monster and automation scripts can significantly enhance your Cookie Clicker 2 Unblocked GitHub experience. However, use them in moderation to maintain the game’s challenge and satisfaction.

5. Set Goals and Track Progress

Cookie Clicker is a long and rewarding journey. Set achievable goals for yourself, such as reaching a certain number of cookies or unlocking specific achievements. Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and engaged with the game.


Cookie Clicker 2 Unblocked GitHub is a captivating incremental game that has delighted players for years. By utilizing unblocked versions and mods available on GitHub, you can enjoy the game without restrictions and elevate your cookie production to new levels. Remember to have fun, set goals, and find the right balance between gameplay and using external tools. Happy clicking!

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