How Much Does it Cost to Paint a Pickleball Court?

Amelia Cole

Cost to Paint a Pickleball Court

$25,000 for a pickleball court is the answer, but this price tag varies greatly with the area. If you’re residing in a porch location, the contractors are likely to charge more and vice versa. Also, the quality of paint used for this application determines the overall cost. I also came to know that time is also a determining factor here as if you want the job to be done in less time, contractors will charge more.

The price I mentioned for painting a pickleball court is equivalent to building a swimming pool in your house, and it is clear that this is not a low cost, right? So, you have to do your homework precisely for the right application. The first thing you need to do is to decide the location for the pickleball court; it could be indoor as well as outdoor. The best part is that if you already have a hard surface like concrete, asphalt, or similar material; you can take that for the court as it will reduce the entire project cost.

Understanding the Costs Involved in Painting a Pickleball Court

The pickleball court must be 20’ in width and 44’ in length, and according to professionals, you must have an area of 30’ in width and 60’ in length to build a pickleball court. As a wholesome, these dimensions are equivalent to 1,800 square feet of area in total. Now that you know the dimensions, you need to grab the measuring tape and precisely notice whether you’ve such space or not. Aside from the size, flatness and hardness are two other defining factors when we talk about the perfection of the pickleball court area.

Prepping, edging, and pouring will cost you a big part of the total expense, so try to keep these straightforward and non-fancy. Likewise, go for a 4 x 6 inches concrete slab or asphalt, as concrete is easier to install and also practically more efficient than asphalt. Otherwise, you have also got some other options like gel courts, post-tensioned or treated concrete pickleball courts, and more, but again the price tag will tend to increase if you choose any of those molded choices.

A basic concrete slab of 4 x 6 inches costs you $5 and for the whole court, it will be no more than ten thousand dollars. That’s half of the total budget; now, go for the good quality net in the range of $1000 and set the poles and footers. Once you’re done with that, ask the contractor to outline the areas on the court for your ease. Get the installation task done including the slabs, net, poles, etc., and at the end, your contractor will paint the surface.

In the end, don’t forget the lighting because perfect illumination is needed for a good game. I found LED court lights excellent for this. Please hire an electrician for this lighting job and it will cost you around $5,000 in total.

That’s all for installing and painting the new pickleball court, but if you want to know the cost of old painting pickleball court lines, there is a discussion: the cost of painting lines depends on the method you opt for, the condition of the surface, the paint you choose, and again the area. An estimated cost for this ranges between $250 to $600.

Do you know you can also paint the pickleball lines on the tennis court? If you have a tennis court at your place already and want to convert it, you can follow these steps: clean the surface by removing all dirt, mark the court lines using good quality masking tape, stir the canned paint and coat the surface with it using a brush, roller, or sprayer. After applying an even coat, leave it for air drying, and then apply a second coat to fill the gap.


Are pickleball and tennis nets the same height?

No, the pickleball net is slightly lower in height than that of the tennis. In pickleball, the net is mounted at 36 inches at the poles and 34 inches at the midpoint, while in tennis, the net is hung at three feet.

What is the best surface for a pickleball court?

Hard surfaces are suitable for pickleball courts like concrete and asphalt. Concrete is better in terms of durability, odor-free nature, and practically more efficient than asphalt. There are some molded options too in the market, in case you’re searching for a fancier one.

What is the best color for a pickleball court?

The court color should contrast the color of the balls. Mostly, pickleball comes in orange, lime, or yellow shades, and courts are painted blue.

Bottom Line

I have well-explained the cost of installing a pickleball court and painting its surface in this blog for your ease. There are a few things to keep in mind: don’t rush for fancier things as they cost you more, please do your homework nicely and surf for quality-wise better materials for a durable court, and read the reviews of contractors you’re hiring.

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